May 12,2012... Ghost Hunters Incorporated was contacted to investigate a private residence in Kutztown,Pa. as per the clients request & our client confidentiality policy the clients' name & address have been with held. This evidence is currently under review & after the clients reveal, will be posted on our ( & websites.
March 17,2012...Ghost Hunters Incorporated was contacted to investigate a private residence in South Conventry Township in Pottstown, Pa. As per the clients request, family members names & the address has been with held. Evidence captured from this investigation is currently under review & after the clients reveal, will be posted here on our website.
March 10,2012...Ghost Hunters Incorporated had the chance to conduct a follow up investigation at the Battlefield Bed and Breakfast in Gettysburg, Pa. The Ghost Hunters Inc. team had the honor of investigating the bed and breakfast 2 years ago. We captured really great evidence in our first investigation. A special THANKS to Florence Tarbox, her staff, guest, & David Miller Director of Sunset Paranormal Research and Investigation( The evidence captured from this follow up investigation is currently under review. January 28.2012...Ghost Hunters Incorporated was contacted to investigate a private residence in Hanover, Pa. Case # 2012-0128-01R, this case had priority as a 3 yr old child was involved. The child had told his mother that he was seeing a "monster". The evidence captured will be posted shortly.
November 5,2011...Ghost hunters Incorporated recieved a call to investigate a private residence in Pottsville,Pa. Case File 2011-1105-17R. Do to clients request, their name & address is with held but the evidence we've captured is allowed to be placed on our websites.
September 11,2011.....Ghost Hunters Incorporated had the priviledge to investigate Prudhomme's Lost Cajun Kitchen in Columbia, Pa. Case File 201-0911-16B, while at Prudhomme's, we were able to record video of flashlight responses to questions asked by our investigator. While in the cellar , we heard what sounded like a loud "bang" resembling a heavy box or object dropped on the floor. Two of the Ghost Hunters Inc. investigators had seen what appeared to be the shadow of a person come out from the door near the restroom area & proceeded to move to the main entrance then vanished as if the shadow had exited the premises.
July 15 & 16, 2011....Case File 2011-1516-02RB, Friday July 15...Ghost Hunters Incorporated set up their DVR in the Agway Store on Canal St. in Williamsburg,Pa. Claims of paranormal:baby crying, footsteps heard upstairs & no one would there. Note: While setting up our dvr & cameras at this location a loud knock(3x) was witnessed by all investigators (all investigators were in the same area) present. Also on July 15...Ghost Hunters Incorporated team investigated the Phillips Homestead in Clover Creek near Williamsburg,Pa. & on July 16 investigated the Phillips Rangers Monument near Saxton,Pa. Claims of paranormal activity:People getting scratched & pushed, feeling of being watched, felling of heaviness. NOTE: Ghost Hunters Incorporated is in the process of reveiwing the evidence.
January 15, 2011... Case File 2011-0115-01R, private residence in York,Pa. Claims of paranormal activity: Third floor of residents claims:Scott scracthed on back 3 times & sees shadows out of the corner of his eyes, Carrie heard keys unlocking the door, sighing & thought that Scott had come home. Scott was still with his band playing music & other accounts to numerous to mention.
December 11,2010...Case File# 2010-1211-17B, library in Southcentral Pa. Name & location of library is with held as per clients request. Claims of paranormal activity: female humming in the children section of the library, unexplained noises/sounds in library basement, lights went on & doors opened in the lecture room after the custodian had turned lights off & closed doors.
November 27,2010....Case File 2010-1127-16B, Basin Street Hotel in Kutztown,Pa. Claims of paranormal activity: shadow of man dressed in 1800s stlyle clothing in bar, small bell on door behind the bar is said to move slighty,bar stools knocked over, knocks on delivery door & no one would be there, glasses on bar moved. to listen to evp's from this case, go to our EVP Page & click on evp with Case File #2010-1127-16B
October 30,2010....Private Residence in Newmanstown,Pa. Claims of paranormal activity activity: ring thrown at client, music cd & case smashed into pieces,apparition of a woman seen in clients bedroom, footsteps heard throughout clients home. October 02,2010.....Case File #2010-1002-0B, White Palm Tavern,Topton,Pa. Claims of paranormal activity: shadow of man seen walking in dining area, sound of pots & pans rattling when no one was in the kitchen,shadow of person walking through the bar area. Case September 27,2010...Case File 2010-0927-Private residence in Elizabethtown,Pa. More information to follow.
Case File #2010-0927-01 August 29,2010...Farm & farmhouse in Southern York County(Delta),Pa. More information to follow. Case File #2010-0829-01B July 27,2010...Riverfront Bar & Lounge, Wrightsville, Pa. The Riverfront Bar & Lounge was originally built in 1857. Claims of paranormal activity: pots & pans rattled in kitchen, picture on barroom wall is said to come of the wall & fall on the ledge as if someone put it there, organ music heard in bar, when there's no organ, Stall doors in Mens Room open & close when no one is in there. The Ghost Hunters Incorporated team would like to publicly thank the owner of the Riverfront Bar & Lounge, Katrina Pierce, for allowing our team to come in & investigate her establishment. To listen to evp's from this case, go to our EVP Page & click on any evp with.....Case File #2010-0724-01 June 19,1010...Farmers Hope Inn, Manheim,Pa. Claims of paranormal activity: small girl named,"Elizabeth" is said to roam the property & bar. Elizabeth was believed to have died from internal injuries from falling or pushed down cellar stairs as a result of punishment. The ghost of a young boy is said to be haunting the property after he died of consumption & is believed to be buried somewhere on the premises. The Inn was 1st licensed to sell beer,etc. in1812. To listen to evp's from this case, go to our EVP page & click on any evp with....Case File#2010-0619-01. Ghost Hunters Incorporated would like to publicly thank Tim & Terri owners & inn keeper of the 1790's inn & tavern.
May14,2010.... Ships Inn Exton,Pa. Claims of paranormal activity: More information to follow soon. May 1,2010.....York Charity Organization,York,Pa. Name with held as per clients request. Claims of paranormal activity: black shadow seen on 2nd floor in the store storage room, changing room curtain in1st floor thrift shop opens by itself...when closed. Window on 3rd floor was opened with no explaination(only way to reach is with ladder). Things heard being dragged across the floor. Shadow person has been seen on 2nd floor. 1st president of said organization, has been reported to have been seen about the premises. To listen to evp's from this case, go to our EVP Page & click on any evp with....Case File #2010-0501-01.Ghost Hunters Incorporated team would like to pubicly thank the organizations current president for allowing us to investigate their building.
Mar.13,2010....Battlefield Bed & Breakfast,Gettysburg,Pa. Paranormal claims the bed & breakfast included: ghostly lantern lights seen by guest out their room windows, shadowy figures seen in the barn, To listen to evp's from this case, go to our EVP Page & click on any evp with...Case File # 2010-0313-01. The Ghost Hunters Incorporated team would like to publicly thank Florence Tarbox owner & innkeeper for allowing us to investigate her beautiful 1809 farm house inn. Feb.27,2010....York Little Theatre,York,Pa. Paranormal Claims at the theater included: shadow pepole, disembodied voices, physical manipulation of objects,etc. To listen to evp's from this case, go to our EVP Page & click on any evp file # 2010-0227-01. The Ghost Hunters Incorporated team would publicly thank Eric B. Long, Artistic director at YTL for allowing us to investigate this fantastic 1920's(remodeled) movie theater.
Jan.23,2010......Private residence in Mt.Penn, Berks County,Pa. Clients name & address with held as per clients request. To listen to our evp's from this case, go to our EVP Page & click on any evp file #2010-0123-01. WARNING! Some evp's in this case may contain strong langauge! More to follow! Jan.9,2010.....Private residence in Littletown,Pa.(Adams Co.) A little 4 yr. old boy haunted by a negative spirirt. The Ghost Hunters Incorporated team had a local psychic/medium come into the house & perform banishing ritual to remove the negative energy. To listen our evp's from this case go to our EVP Page & click on any EVP file #2010-0109-01 Nov.15,2009 -
Jan.1,2010..... The Ghost Hunters Incorporated team had no scheduled investigations due to the Holiday Season !!!
Nov.14,2009...Zion Lutheran Church,Flourtown,Pa. (Montgomery Co.) built in 1818 The Ghost Hunters Inc. Team would like to publicly thank Pastor Marcia Thompson & her congregation for allowing us to investigate her claims of paranormal activity in the church & cemetery. To listen to our EVP's, go to our EVP page & click on any evp file #2009-1114-01.
Oct.10,2009.... A cemetery dating back to the 1700's & a church built in 1815 in Berks County.Pa. This case involves the murder of a young woman in the 1800's. Her name was Adeline Baver & was the daughter of a Leesport farmer. Her body was found one night in October, murdered with her throat cut face down on the bank of the Schuylkill Canal,reports of the times say that it was near Heffner's Island near the Irish Creek Bridge. Adeline's lifeless was found by Catherine Seaman, who was at work in the tavern of the Mohrsville Hotel. This case is still open as the Ghost Hunters Incorporated is going to invest this case further. The location & name of the church, as well the graveyard & the names of our clients have been withheld as per their request. The Ghost Hunters Incorporated Team would like to publicly thank the parties involved (you know who you are) for allowing us the priviledge to conduct paranormal research in the graveyard & surrounding area. To listen to our EVP's go to our EVP Page & click on any evp with....Case File #2009-1010-01a
Mar.3,2009....The Ghost Hunters Incorporated team went on a joint investigation involving a cemetery in Williamsport,Pa. Some of the names of the other teams present are Heart of Pennsylvania Paranormal Society (H.O.P.P.S.), Dark Shadows Paranormal, and Williamsport Paranormal,to name a few. To listen to our evp's go to our EVP Page & click on any evp with.....Case File #2009-0307-01 July 3,2008...The Ghost Hunters Incorporated team conducted an investigation in a cemetery in Montgomery County,Pa. There where personal experiences that were deemed as evidence,as well as some that were not. Footsteps were hear by 2 investigators simultaneously, & captured on audio as well. A picture a of a shadow person was captured on 2 separate cameras also. I will be going through our files to see about posting pictures, evp's, etc. from this case.
Disclaimer: Ghost Hunters Incorporated guarantees that all evidence collected is not altered or modified. All audio recordings, photos, etc. are presented to the client as we obtained them. We use Wavepad only to remove the "hissing" sound & to amplify the audio. We also maintain the "raw"audio recordings in ourfiles as well. Clients can review evidence pertaining to their case anytime upon request.
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